Story about A and Z.
The busy life had started..
" A was so busy in assignment and study and of course friends.. Always play together with friends assignment and bla bla..
When Z was so annoyed because A was busy-ing and leave Z alone .. Z was feel like A always play and do nothing in life.. Do anyone here can enjoying playful life all the time? Definitely NO !!! Z really dont understand about this last time.. A was thinking to stay with Z and do nothing with assignment friends and of course A's playful lifestyle.. Z was feel happy after that..
But one day, Z finally realize that why A so busy in life while Z was good enough to entering such BUSY life same as A... Then now the turn Z was leave A always.. Z finally know that what was happen on A last time..
But Z langsung dont care about it.. Z was still enjoying the new busy life since Z was know and now A feel like disappointed on Z alot alot ..
But A wont try to stop Z's life because A know that as long as
Z happy = A happy.. "
Z happy = A happy.. "
Peace =)
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